Tuesday 11 January 2011

"Sunny Intervals"

That was the weather forecast for today. No rain at all. Yet it's been raining since yesterday night. What gives, BBC? It was exactly the same last thursday. Groundhog day.
Got up, psyched as hell, going to the quarry for a go on My Halo, maybe even a cheeky headpoint to get a good start to the year. Was supposed to be in bus stop by 10, got moved to 11 to let it dry off a bit and let the weather clear. BBC weather still saying it was clear. Went up there; grey clouds, no rain. Unpacked, started walking, no rain.
As soon as we were in view of the quarry it started pissing it down. Just like last week. It was an instant psyche killer. Still, we percevered and I managed to check out the gear placements: a dodgy RP3 and a couple of skyhooks that'll get in the way. Still no real climbing done in 2011. Bugger.
The weather being a complete twat

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