Tuesday 7 February 2012

Ogwen oddities and another new toy

Went to Ogwen with Ian today despite the wet and cold conditions. Wasn't too keen when I stepped out of the house, but cheered up somewhat when I was greeted by the beautiful views that greeted me in the valley. Yes the snow has almost disappeared as quickly as it dropped but there's always a majesty to the peaks when they are dusted with the white stuff.
Anyway, had a quick blast on the Gallt-yr-ogof boulder and managed to retro flash a V4 and do the tricky slab to the left. Had a go on my old nemesis The Ramp which was a bit too greasy and wet to bother with. We then moved on to caseg fraith upper to have a look at a slabby outcrop near the top of the hill. It was a bit green and minging and hadn't been visited for quite some time. Nevertheless we soldiered on and i managed an OS of a V3 which I was quite happy with as it was covered in moss, soaking wet and had icicles dropping over the edge. Ian was trying hard on the adjecant V5 but was let down by the grime and his sub-par shoes. I pulled on but wasn't overly excited. It was nice to reccy the less visited parts of the valley and would like to go back there to do a few trad lines that I spotted.
I also invested a cool grand in a new road bike the other day to get me around while the van lies in state in a garage in Caernarfon. Anyone who knows me knows I hate public transport so this was the only other option bar walking. I've only gone a couple of miles on it and already I'm in agony in the bum bone region so looks like I'll have to invest in a pair of skimpy lycra short with those padded period pads in them or whatever they are. Oooh.

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