Saturday 5 February 2011

This week, I 'ave mostly been eatin' rabbits

Managed to get a video of the *ahem* historic ascent. Misses the top out and it's badly edited etc, who cares, I don't.

Had a go on Windows of Perception aka "The hardest rockover in the world". Sums it up nicely, really. Watched Hard XS with Pete Bobbins and Nic Sellars, and it really got me psyched for the routes they were on. Bobbys groove, Windows, gerbil abuse, dark half, slipstream and Gin Palace of course.

Have been trying to get a bit of variety into my climbing (went bouldering and anything past vertical is impossible) so need to start doing some climbing in the pass and tremadog. All this slate may suit me, but it's going to be detrimental where my SPA logbook is concerned.

Watched bits of Onsight as well (the routes I'm not planning to onsight (my, I do have high expectations of myself)), was great. Got me thinking about my headpoint. Yeah, got it lead, but it did feel like a bit of a cop out. I had memorised all the moves, and there was no real danger or even over exuberance when I topped out. I was probably buzzing more when I onsighted E4. I think my next big route will be an onsight attempt, or a ground up at least.

That's my mind emptied of musing from the past few days. Now to enjoy the rugby.

I've also bought a RURP, oh dear.

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