Monday 23 January 2012

Back to work

Haven't been updating my blog as much as I should ( last update was in september!) so the new year heralds a new lease if life for my poor neglected blog.

Ok, so. Been back on the slate recently after my week long jaunt over new years to Berlin. My plan of action is to aim for french 8a by Easter.
I've been on Tambourine Man and The Medium, both of which are very technical and fall offable but completely my style i.e. not for the strong! At the end of last year, I was trying to redpoint Concord Dawn on rainbow walls and one thing or another got in the way and I ended up not putting my all into it. I've started again and it's all coming back to me. I've got the crux nailed as well as the bottom half of the route but it's all wet at the moment thanks to this miserable weather around North Wales. So today was supposed to be a quick trip to work some parts of the route, but lo! Seepage in abundance and I was miserable because I've lost my new Anasazi Verdes and someone's taken them from Twll Mawr where I'm sure I left them. I went for a look for them as all the other routes I wanted to do were wet, and as I was near the slag heap tunnel (one of the few I hadn't been through) I thought I'd be able to get into Twll Mawr. Wrong! The tunnel is blocked. I squirmed around and tried to squeeze through but there's no chance. Cool tunnel though.
Creepy! The tunnel at the bottom of twll mawr
Also the hut in twll mawr that was once standing, has now collapsed. Quite sad to see a bit of preserved history biting the dust like that but it was close to crumbling last time I was there.

Also, something worthwhile I did but didn't write about was going to Craig Doris with Mills and doing Cripple Creek - a three star E3. Awesome route, but get there before it all collapses! I only seconded but I can't wait to get back there and lead it, as well as path to rome, the other E3 round the corner and the Fascinating Witches traverse.

Mills on Cripple Creek E3 5b
'm also pretty stuck at the moment as the van is in the garage having failed its MoT. A vehicle around here is pretty much essential, considering that the public transport is dire. Plus one cannot walk everywhere when it's cold and pissing it down.

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